Crafts Council Collections Online
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Crafts Council Collections Online
/ Posters from the Crafts Council Collections
Posters from the Crafts Council Collections
Posters from Crafts Council exhibitions and events from the present to 1974's first international touring exhibition '
Ceramic Forms
Crafts Council
Poster, Fielding Talk 2016 with David Poston
2016 (AM487)
Bravo Charlie Mike Hotel , K2 Screen Limited
Poster, SHOWTIME (1/10)
2016 (2017.6)
Anthony Burrill
Envelope for the A4 handbill, Our Future is in the Making
2014 (AM485)
Anthony Burrill
Handbill, Our Future is in the Making
2014 (AM484)
Anthony Burrill
Poster, 1/100, Our Future is in the Making
2014 (2017.7)
Bravo Charlie Mike Hotel ,
Crafts Council
, Rachel Whiting
Poster, Collecting A Kaleidoscope
2008 (AM482)
Crafts Council
, Johnson Turnbull
Poster, Mixed Belongings: Eight Contemporary African Makers
2005 (AM481)
Noble , Frith Kerr
Poster, Beauty and the Beast: New Swedish Design
2004 (AM480)
NB Studio ,
Crafts Council
, Ono Tadashi
Poster, Jerwood Applied Arts Prize 2004: Furniture
2004 (AM479)
Pentagram ,
Crafts Council
, Angus Hyland
Poster, Making Buildings
2001 (AM478)
Pentagram ,
Crafts Council
, Angus Hyland
Poster, Industry of One: Designer Makers in Britain 1981-2001
2001 (AM477)
Pentagram ,
Crafts Council
, Angus Hyland, Sara Morris
Poster, Only Human: an exhibition about body and soul
1999 (AM476)
Pentagram ,
Crafts Council
, Angus Hyland, Brian Hand
Poster, (UN)LIMITED Repetition and Change in Contemporary International Craft
1999 (AM475)
Pentagram ,
Crafts Council
, Angus Hyland, Jun Maejima
Poster, No Picnic
1998 (AM474)
Pentagram ,
Crafts Council
, John Rushworth, Kelvin Murray
Poster, Objects of Our Time
1996 (AM473)
Pentagram ,
Crafts Council
, John Rushworth, David Christie
Poster, What is Jewellery?
1994 (AM472)
Pentagram ,
Crafts Council
, John Rushworth, Colin Banks, Alan Kitching, Giles Revell
Poster, True to Type: Introducing letterpress printing and the works of small presses
1994 (AM471)
Pentagram ,
Crafts Council
, John Rushworth, Nigel Parry
Poster, Visions of Craft 1972-1993
1993 (AM470)
Pentagram ,
Crafts Council
, John Rushworth, John Rees
Poster, Influential Europeans in British Craft and Design
1992 (AM469)
Crafts Council
, Phil Baines
Poster, Can't Stop Me Now! The Creative Lives of Twenty Craftspeople
1991 (AM468)
Crafts Council
, Phil Baines,
Ed Barber
Poster, Diverse Cultures
1990 (AM467)
Crafts Council
, Paul McAlinden, Peter Campbell, David Cripps, Otto Kunzli
Poster, British Jewellery 1960-1985 & German Jewellery
1989 (AM466)
Crafts Council
, Richard Hollis
Poster, Eric Ravilious: A retrospective of his life and work & Gillian Lowndes: New Ceramic Sculpture
1987 (AM465)
Crafts Council
, Paul McAlinden, David Ward, Colin Cuthbert
Poster, Carol McNicoll: Ceramics and William Jefferies: Tapestry
1985 (AM429)
Crafts Council
, Philip Miles, David Cripps
Poster, A Collection in the Making
1985 (AM428)
Crafts Council
, David King
Poster, Art in Production: Soviet Textiles, Fashion and Ceramics
1985 (AM427)
Crafts Council
, Paul McAlinden, David Ward
Poster, Carol McNicoll: Ceramics
c.1985 (AM430)
Crafts Council
, Philip Miles
Poster, 'Colouring Metals'
c.1985 (AM314)
Crafts Council
Poster, Texstyles: British Designer/Makers Meet the Textile Challenge
c.1984 (AM426)
Crafts Council
Poster, David Pye, Wood Carver and Turner: A Retrospective
c.1984 (AM435)
Crafts Council
, Paul McAlinden, David Cripps
Poster, Stephenie Bergman and Bryan Illsey
1984 (AM425)
Crafts Council
, Tim Harvey, David Cripps
Poster, The Omega Workshops, 1913-1919: the Decorative Arts of Bloomsbury
1984 (AM423)
Crafts Council
, Richard Hollis
Poster, Crafts America
1983 (AM464)
Crafts Council
, Philip Miles
Poster, A Closer Look: Lettering/ Rugs/ Wood
1983 (AM463)
Crafts Council
, Tim Harvey, David Ward
Poster, The Jewellery Project New British and European Work 1980-83
1983 (AM462)
Crafts Council
Poster, A Closer Look: Rugs
1983 (AM422)
Crafts Council
, David King
Poster, Posters Promoting the Crafts
c.1983 (AM434)
Crafts Council
Poster, Lights at the Crafts Council and The Well Dressed Christmas Tree
1982 (AM420)
Crafts Council
, Philip Miles, Ian Dobbie
Poster, Colouring Metals
1982 (AM419)
Crafts Council
Ray Carpenter
Poster, West Coast Ceramics and Martin Smith
1982 (AM418)
Crafts Council
Poster, Making It: A Career in the Crafts
1982 (AM404)
(no maker)
Poster, Fabric and Form
1982 (AM403)
Bluecoat Display Centre
Poster, Bluecoat Display Centre Group Exhibition
1982 (AM308)
Yew Tree Gallery
Poster, 'Pick of the Tops'
1982 (AM238)
Crafts Council
Poster, Jacqui Poncelet: New Ceramics
1981 (AM402)
Crafts Council
Poster, Weaving
1981 (AM401)
National Trust,
Kaffe Fassett
Poster, Kaffe Fassett and Bill Gibb Fashion Show
1981 (AM237)
Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery,
Ron Fuller
Poster, The Artist At Work
1981 (AM155)
Crafts Council
Ray Carpenter
, Philip Sayer
Poster, Caring for Objects
1980 (AM436)
Crafts Council
, David King
Poster, Furniture Projects
1980 (AM415)
Crafts Council
Poster, Waterloo Place Gallery
c.1980 (AM416)
Crafts Council
, Paul McAlinden
Poster, The Shoe Show: British Shoes since 1790
c.1980 (AM432)
Crafts Council
, Paul McAlinden
Poster, The Shoe Show: British Shoes since 1790
1979 (AM431)
Crafts Council
Poster, The Work of Alison Britton
1979 (AM400)
Crafts Council
, Ray Kyte
Poster, Meet the Craftsmen: Textile Tour
1979 (AM384)
Crafts Council
Ray Carpenter
, David Cripps
Poster, 'Michael Brennand-Wood: Thread Collages and Caroline Broadhead: Jewellery'
1979 (AM229)
Crafts Council
Poster, La Poterie Anglaise Contemporaine
c.1979 (AM413)
Crafts Council
, Ed Brennan, Donna Muir
Poster, Carousel: A changing selection of objects by Craftsmen from the Crafts Advisory Committee Index
1978 (AM461)
Crafts Council
, Paul McAlinden, David Cripps
Poster, Michael Rowe: Objects in Metal
1978 (AM439)
Crafts Council
, Paul McAlinden, David Cripps
Poster, The Framing of Howard Raybould
1978 (AM399)
Crafts Council
Ray Carpenter
, Richard Davies
Poster, Glenys Barton at Wedgwood
1977 (AM460)
Crafts Council
Poster, Domestic Pottery Recipes
1977 (AM411)
Crafts Council
Poster, Rugs for Churches
1977 (AM398)
Crafts Council
Poster, Meet the Craftsmen 1977
1977 (AM386)
Crafts Council
Ray Carpenter
Poster, Helga Zahn, A retrospective assessment 1960-1976: jewellery, paintings and drawings
1976 (AM459)
Crafts Council
, John Hawkins, David Cripps
Poster, 1/2 Dozen.The work of six British craftsmen
1976 (AM458)
Crafts Council
Poster, Showbusiness, The Gallery Scene: Role of the Craft Gallery
1976 (AM440)
Crafts Council
Poster, Auf Tournee: Zehn Britische Goldschmeide in Deuschland und Australien
c.1976 (AM408)
Crafts Council
Poster, David Watkins: Recent Acrylic Jewellery and Bodyforms
1975 (AM437)
Crafts Council
Poster, The Craftsman's Art
1975 (AM438)
Crafts Council
Poster, Sutton/Treen: Contemporary Textiles and Jewellery
c.1975 (AM433)
Crafts Council
Poster, On Tour: 10 British Jewellers in Germany and Australia
c.1975 (AM409)
Crafts Council
Poster, Keramische Formen/Formy Ceramiczne
1974 (AM483)
Crafts Council
Poster, Keramische Formen
1974 (AM405)