Catalogue Record
Gogmagog Press
Morris Cox
14 Triads
Made in
Book bound in Japansese paper with star pattern, title on spine, blue end papers, three illustrations.
Details of individual blocks: 1. A study in free inking. A circle of bevelled glass from which a fluid ink is squeezed; 2. The same glass carefully cracked, the pieces slightly opened out before printing; 3. Figure cut out of thin card and mounted. Lace curtain, etc., stuck on; Intaglio; 4. Natural wood-grain as tone and texture. Whites cut away, darks painted on. Leafage added; 5. Birds of card and crepe paper. Wire mesh impressed into card and removed; Intaglio; 6. Card, cut through with knife and contours lifted for lights; Intaglio; 7. Card-cut, combined intaglio and letterpress, with lateral shift between impressions; 8. Disk inked with brush. Background lightly sprayed with petrol before printing.
Materials and techniques
Designed, printed and bound by Morris Cox on Japanese paper. Text on Hoso-shi with illustrations on Mingei. Type: Gill Sans medium condensed and Matura. Nos. 1-40 bound in Japanese Hans-asa paper. Press: hand made, 6 x 28 inches, on roller push-over principle. Type: Gill Sans medium condensed an Matura. Each block protected by a coat of plastic varnish before use.
height: 0.8cm
length: 19.4cm
width: 10.3cm
Object number