Maker's statement
This piece is one of a series. A culmination of several techniques used previously. Having used sandblasting extensively purely as surface decoration it became apparent to me to use this type of decoration while working glass hot after a seminar by the Decorative Art Society which discussed the Graal technique used in the 1900s in Sweden and France. This was a lengthy process involving a parison (not blown out piece), removing from iron and cooling and then, when cold working on the surface with acid, removing areas; reheating, returning to iron, continuing blowing process. I felt by working on pieces of cold glass thenheating them up and marvering the resulting decoration into the parison, and then casing it, I could get a somewhat similarlyclearly defined pattern. to me this was quite a new development as previously working with hot molten glass decorative qualities are somewhat soft in quality and amorphous. I can now achieve clearly defined images yet ones which are integral to the blown form.