Fabric strip 1 (HC523)

Catalogue Record



Rushton Aust


Fabric strip 1

Materials and techniques

Description of each section:

1 - Bright green cotton fabric overprinted with brilliant green fabric pigment
2 - Blue and cream fabric pigment colours mixed through an open printing screen
3 - Pigment dyed cream background. Text printed with black pigment then overprinted with opaque light green.
4 - Piece of commercially printed fabric overprinted with 'floral' in white pigment.
5 - Fire proofed white cotton painted with watered-down printing pigment.
6 - Bought black fabric with two prints using puff pigment.


length:  228cm
width:  20.7cm
depth:  0.25cm

Object number



On view

Plan Chest 2/ Drawer 8

Handling Grade


Maker's statement

Each fabric piece I make is made in a similar way to making a painting, gradually adding line, image and texture, but using screen-printing rather than a paint brush. I have a dozen or so pieces on the go at any time. I usually use different weights of cotton fabrics such as calico, cotton lawn and velvet. I begin a piece by painting or dipping using a liquid dye which is fully absorbed, this is then overprinted many times and finally the dyes are fixed at high temperature so that the colour doesn't fade.