Grid Sample (HC671)

Catalogue Record



Dail Behennah


Grid Sample



Materials and techniques

White willow
Bell wire
Drilled and threaded


diameter:  28.6cm
depth:  10.2cm

Object number



On view

HC Cabinet E4

Handling Grade


Maker's statement

My recent work has developed out of an interest in grids, fences and scaffolding. I have made a series of baskets with comprise a stack of willow grids, carvied into in various ways to make bowls. The shadows cast by these baskets are as significant as the containers themselves and I am particularly interested in the way that the stacks of grids changes from two to three dimensions as the viewers moves around the basket.

I began by drawing a cross section of the finished basket on graph paper to determine the profile. This gives the diameter of each of the grid circles which stack on top of each other to make the structure stable. In this sample, the central structure is diagonal while the outer rim is straight. I like the way that even though the willow is identical from some angles the inner and outer sections appear to be different colours depending on the density and direction of the grids.

Each of the sticks once drilled is threaded onto bell wire which is knotted on the otp and bottom of the basket. The entire process from the initial planning and drawing, through the drilling, cutting, threading and knotting, is very labour intensive and each basket takes about 2 weeks to make.

All of the grids are different. As I make each one many other variations occur to me and are jotted down. I want to explore the technique as much as possible and therefore do not wish to repeat any of them.

Dail Behennah, 1998