Crafts Council Collections Online
First Decade
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Crafts Council foyer
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Handling Collection
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Artisa Curatorial Fellowship: Variations on a Blank
Artisa Curatorial Fellowship: Disrupting a process
Artisa Curatorial Fellowship: Off-plinth
New Positions for the Crafts Council Collection
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If you want to find an object that was made using a particular material or technique, enter that here.
If you want find objects which were made by a particular person, enter their name here.
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Only objects with images
An image is available for almost every object in the Crafts Council Collection, however there are currently less images available for Handling Collection objects.
Crafts Council Collections Online
/ Interviews with makers from Crafts Council's first decade 1972-1982
Interviews with makers from Crafts Council's first decade 1972-1982
A selection of First Decade makers talk about their practice, objects, relationship with other makers and the Crafts Council.
Crafts Council
Fred Baier
First Decade Interview with Fred Baier
27/08/2015 (OH14)
Crafts Council
Janice Tchalenko
First Decade Interview with Janice Tchalenko
25/08/2015 (OH13)
Crafts Council
Kaffe Fassett
First Decade Interview with Kaffe Fassett
20/08/2015 (OH12)
Crafts Council
Noel Dyrenforth
First Decade Interview with Noel Dyrenforth
29/07/2015 (OH11)
Crafts Council
Glenys Barton
First Decade Interview with Glenys Barton
14/07/2015 (OH10)
Crafts Council
Paul Caton
First Decade Interview with Paul Caton
17/06/2015 (OH8)
Crafts Council
Jacqueline Poncelet
First Decade Interview with Jacqueline Poncelet
07/09/2015 (OH7)
Crafts Council
Ron Fuller
First Decade Interview with Ron Fuller
09/06/2015 (OH6)
Crafts Council
Alison Britton
First Decade Interview with Alison Britton
05/06/2015 (OH5)
Crafts Council
Carol McNicoll
First Decade Interview with Carol McNicoll
04/06/2015 (OH4)
Crafts Council
Ann Sutton
First Decade Interview with Ann Sutton
20/05/2015 (OH3)
Crafts Council
Richard Slee
First Decade Interview with Richard Slee
18/05/2015 (OH2)
Crafts Council
Caroline Broadhead
First Decade Interview with Caroline Broadhead
01/04/2015 (OH1)
Crafts Council
Susanna Heron
First Decade Interview with Susanna Heron
17/09/2015 (OH19)
Crafts Council
Faith Shannon
First Decade Interview with Faith Shannon
01/07/2015 (OH17)
Crafts Council
Sebastian Carter
First Decade Interview with Sebastian Carter
15/09/2015 (OH16)
Crafts Council
Pauline Burbidge
First Decade Interview with Pauline Burbidge
14/09/2015 (OH15)